Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Forgetting, but never forgiving

I'm going to start this post with one of my favorite quotes, by Carrie Bradshaw, duh....

"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. 
Maybe we have to let go of who were, to become who we will be"

In case you haven't noticed, I'm a long, long way from my hometown, and that wasn't an accident. When I first heard that line I decided I was going to get rid of some, as Carolyn would call them, lackluster people. Hence the big move. 

Like Carrie, I have a Mr Big of my own, and he comes in the form of the dreaded "high school sweetheart". Most of the people that I have purposely put in my past have stayed there. But try as I might, this certain person, will not. Even 3,000 miles between us has not stopped the visits, texts, and calls. 

This weekend will be one of those visits. And try as I might, I don't know if I can let his work-related trip pass without at least a dinner. Because even though I firmly believe some people are in your life as guest appearances, while others have starring roles, his character keeps returning every few episodes. 

Which brings me to the point of today's post, that maybe, just maybe, forgiveness isn't the worst thing in the world. And maybe, when people say their sorry, they mean it. It's a theory I'm going to explore some more in these next few weeks. Because always being mad, or holding grudges hasn't gotten me anywhere, how about you? Maybe by letting go of that anchor, Carrie didn't just mean ceasing all contact. It may mean actually coming to terms with our past, so I can let the future take shape. 

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