Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Busy is an understatement..

..But that's exactly what I've been!

Here's what's been going on:

1. SORORITY RECRUITMENT! As you all know I am a sister of Delta Zeta here at NU, and we just added 29 AMAZING new mem's this weekend. I love recruitment for so many reasons: sister bonding, gettting crafty, and of course new turtles!

2. New job! I have quit my high end hostessing job at one of the most famous restaurants in Boston to waitress at The Hill Tavern. Not so glamorous but so much fun! Come visit meee!

3. School has started. Not much on that front. It's school.....

Anyway, there may be a new boy on the horizon, I'll keep you updated ;)

This post goes out to Carolyn, author of for keeping me on top of my blogging! Love you, twinny!

Philanthropy night <3

My little's first recruitment!

My lovely PC <3 Fall '09

All of my amazing sisters! And our new turtles!
xo, Beebs

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's been a minute

Sorry everyone! I took a little break while getting ready for the big move THIS FRIDAY! I am so excited to be moving, starting classes for my junior year (gasp) and getting back into sorority stuff (soon to come: a post on rush etiquette and proper behavior). 

Anywho, I wanted to devote this post to how EXCITED I am for fall! It's my second favorite season (second only to winter, don't worry I'll explain when the time is right). 

Here's a couple of my fave things...

1. Sorority rush... duh. NEW TURTLES! I love expanding the amazing group of women I am privileged to be a part of. As well as expanding the sorority fam. (I'm too young to be a grandbig, I'm too young to be a grandbig)

                                       Some DZ fam's before a Ke$ha concert (isn't my little one a doll?)

2. Pumpkin spice lattes!! A close second to my all time favorite, The Gingerbread Latte.

3. The colors, even though red, orange, and yellow are so unflattering on me... So I remind you all to not forget green (one of my, what I like to call "Power Colors", along with navy blue) It works well due to the leaves that are in the midst of changing. (hence the pic)

4. The crisp, cool air. I like to think of myself as fashionable, and I believe it is hard to be so in summer. It's basic logic; less clothes, less fashion involved. So break out the coats, scarves, gloves, and my favorite, hats!

5. The feeling of starting new. Yes I know, that's what New Year's is for. But until you finish school, September is the beginning of the year. New classes, teachers, schedules, EVERYTHING.

My best friend and our little's at our new member retreat last year
ON A GIANT PUMPKIN, can't get more autumn than that

These are a few of my favorite things (in singing tone). Get ready for the MUCH longer and MUCH more detailed list the day after Thanksgiving :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Welcome to the 50's

Somewhere between The Help, The Beatles, and Mad Men I've come to the conclusion that I was so born in the wrong era. Here's a couple reasons.

1. The men- watch one episode of Mad Men and you will long for a man that appreciated curves the way those guys do. Plus, HELLO, James Dean and Marlon Brando

2. The fashion and hair- True big hair was what it was all about. And try to tell me I wouldn't look adorable in one of those Sunday-best sundresses.

3. The music- The Beatle's, Simon and Garfunkel, and American Bandstand. Let's be honest, I'd be a regular dancer on Bandstand.

Cast of Mad Men

That being said, I recommend Mad Men to anyone who needs a new show to watch. I'm starting from the beginning on Netflix. On top of the amazing dialogue surrounding political and social situations of the fifties, Don Draper is a dream :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Forgetting, but never forgiving

I'm going to start this post with one of my favorite quotes, by Carrie Bradshaw, duh....

"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. 
Maybe we have to let go of who were, to become who we will be"

In case you haven't noticed, I'm a long, long way from my hometown, and that wasn't an accident. When I first heard that line I decided I was going to get rid of some, as Carolyn would call them, lackluster people. Hence the big move. 

Like Carrie, I have a Mr Big of my own, and he comes in the form of the dreaded "high school sweetheart". Most of the people that I have purposely put in my past have stayed there. But try as I might, this certain person, will not. Even 3,000 miles between us has not stopped the visits, texts, and calls. 

This weekend will be one of those visits. And try as I might, I don't know if I can let his work-related trip pass without at least a dinner. Because even though I firmly believe some people are in your life as guest appearances, while others have starring roles, his character keeps returning every few episodes. 

Which brings me to the point of today's post, that maybe, just maybe, forgiveness isn't the worst thing in the world. And maybe, when people say their sorry, they mean it. It's a theory I'm going to explore some more in these next few weeks. Because always being mad, or holding grudges hasn't gotten me anywhere, how about you? Maybe by letting go of that anchor, Carrie didn't just mean ceasing all contact. It may mean actually coming to terms with our past, so I can let the future take shape. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why I love my job

So, as stated earlier, this was officially the worst year of my life, and sadly it's far from over. But it's nights like tonight that remind me that not all is bad in the world.

As also stated earlier, I have a freaky weird obsession with ALL THINGS Sex and The City. I will make my daughters watch it to fully understand men because Carrie, Sam, Miranda, and Charlotte can teach them far more than I ever could. My life goal is to meet Sarah Jessica Parker, not just because of SATC, but because of her career, her life as a mother, and her all around grace and style. 

Try to tell me this women isn't perfect, I DARE YOU


Anyway, tonight at my mediocre part time job, I met a fan favorite cast member. No, not Smith. Not even Stanford. I MET ANTHONY. The only thing that would have been better would be SJP herself. Of course, his name isn't Anthony, it's Mario Cantone, and he was one of the sweetest guest I've ever encountered at the restaurant. It's moments like these when I remember how lucky I am and that there's a surprise around every corner, so I need to keep my head up!
Mario and I at Scampo

 "Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."
Carrie Bradshaw
I live by this quote, and I encourage you all to do the same!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

True love does exist!

Guess what?! ASHLEY PICKED JP! and if she can find love, I now feel confident that I can too. Even if he isn't as gorgeous as Jp, or Ben, or Constantine.

Adorbs, yes?

Tonight was a wonderful night filled with sisters, wine, pasta, cookies, and the Bachelorette. I couldn't have asked for anything better. One thing I did notice, however, was how invested we all were in who Ashley would choose. It kind of stunned me when even I started to tear up during the engagement. What is it about reality tv, and this show in particular that gets us so worked up. We don't know these people, we're aware that 98% of it is scripted, and we all know the success rate of these Bachelor shows is about one in a million.

I guess it must be that I'm so bored with my own love life, I feel the need to follow someone else's. This, my friends, is sad. Why can't I find a good guy who wants to be MY good guy? And moreover, why am I so done with being alone. When I'm in a relationship (especially my last one) all I want is to be single. But it's been about 11 months, and I'm SO over it. I want flowers, and hugs, and kisses, and dates, and all that good stuff.

So from here on out, I'm on the hunt. If I'm feeling some way about someone, you better believe I'm gonna tell the poor guy. Because that's my biggest problem. I'm always second guessing my feelings and never trusting my gut.

So to sum up what I will do this week
1. I will tell a certain someone how I feel
2. I will eat healthier and gym regularly to work off this season of the Bachelorette's Monday night potlucks.
3. I will start to pack (less than a month til Tina's arrival and my big move!)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends

Last night was the first Friday night I had had off work in three months, so I celebrated accordingly with a girls night, obvs. Two sorority sisters who are near and dear to my heart, Katie and Lauren, along with a bottle of Barefoot really did the trick. There was gossip, music talk, movie talk, school talk, and an ice cream run in the rain somewhere in the middle. Because let's face it, we're sorority girls.

 Katie and I at semi formal

Lauren and I celebrating a Stanley Cup vistory

But a few glasses deep, the real talk started, which of course centers around one thing, boys and the games they play. And like any good friends, they gave me some good advice. Here goes....

1. A pros and con's list comparing two things (such as, oh I don't know, boys) should always include how you, the decid-ee, feel about each boy, er thing. Otherwise it's a little useless.

2. It's better to find things out sooner, rather than later, when it comes to how a boy may, or may not, feel about you.

and 3. If someone is stringing you along, you should probably stop being pulled.

Of course, I have yet to take any of this sound advice, except maybe a few revisions to a certain list, but I'm sure one of these days I'll wise up.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Why are all the football players locked out?

Ok, I'll admit, I may not know all the news, all the players, and all the coaches. And I may like to wear a sundress instead of a jersey. But I will say, despite popular belief, I LOVE SPORTS. Having been a cheerleader all my life, I obviously have a soft spot in my heart for football. I know the rules, I know the teams, and I know I love quarter backs.

Being a self diagnosed insomniac, I have found that 3:30 am is the best time to purchase and watch movies, and as much as I love a good football game, I love a good football movie more, i.e; Remember the Titans, Any Given Sunday, Friday Night Lights (ahhh Tim McGraw), you get the picture. So last night I rented We Are Marshall. And I will here and now proclaim it the most under appreciated sports movie ever made.

True, just like every one else I love The Mighty Ducks, Miracle, and Field of Dreams, but no other sports movie has moved me the way Marshall did last night. And here's a couple reasons.

1. I live for vintage. And nothing says vintage like a 1970's cheer outfit.
2. It's a true story. Sad, but very true. Which makes it all the more interesting and gets me all the more invested.
3. It's a total tear jerker.
4. Matthew McConaughey (nuff said)

So every one rent it and tell me what you think!

Back on the blog scene

So as much as I love following blogs, you would think I would love to keep my own. I totally spaced on the fact I even had one... MAJOR FAIL.

Well, I'M BACK and ready to go. Inspired by the one and only Carolyn, author of (follow it, it's fabulous just like her!) I am solemnly swearing that from here on out, I will keep up with my blog.

For tonight's post, I'm going to reflect on the month of July. This month was a gem in what will forever be known as The Summer From Hell. Why, you ask? Because it revolved around nothing but country music. Somewhere between Keith Urban, Blake Shelton, Brad Paisley, and Tim McGraw concerts, I realized I am so living in all the wrong places.

My ladies and I at Brad&Blake

Having been born and raised in Orange County, CA and attending school in Boston, one may wonder where I got my hillbilly bone. I listen only to country music, live and breath in my cowboy boots, and whole-heartedly believe in the phrase "the higher the hair, the closer to God". Needless to say, I have already begun researching grad schools in the dirty south.

So, once again inspired by Carolyn, I want every girl with a little Southern Belle in her to follow A true southern girl who I have totally developed a girl crush on.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Welcome to HERE'S WHAT!

Here's what I think is totally awesome right now...
LOVE. With wedding's being the number one search on google right now, I can't help but wonder, when did everyone start to fall in love with love? From the final rose ceremony, to a girl saying yes to the dress to the royal wedding, everyone is talking about love. Just yesterday my best friend showed me a video from Fox's new show "Mobbed" of a man proposing to his wife with a flash mob (so over the top), and my brother, the biggest frat star-bachelor of them all, just took his girlfriend on a hot air balloon ride (so cheesy). Apparently, the whole world's in love. But I want to know what the rest of us, who aren't in love, can do for ourselves; because sometimes being surrounded by love, in the media or even at our spring formal, can be ironically heartbreaking. Carrie Bradshaw (my hero and role model) once said "the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous". So what do I think is totally awesome right now? Loving yourself. Go shopping, indulge yourself with an amazing meal with far too many calories, get a massage; do whatever you do that makes you feel absolutely fabulous about yourself. Because if you want to say yes to the dress, or that special guy, you need to show them just how amazing you are.
An excellent list of ways to feel fabulous without the hit to our college-student bank accounts!